Post by LinBau on Oct 14, 2005 18:16:48 GMT -5
tel "roof" (LT1:268)
telco "stem" of a Tengwa symbol (Appendix E). The Etymologies gives telco ("k") pl. telqui ("q") "leg" (the pl. form is said to be analogical) (TÉLEK). It seems, then, that the word can refer to a "stem" or "leg" in general as well as the stem of a Tengwa. In the pre-classical Tengwar system presupposed in the Etymologies, telco is used to refer to a carrier symbol (VT46:18, 33)
Telcontar "Strider" (MR:216)
telda (1) "last, final" (WJ:407)
telda (2) "having a roof" (LT1:268, LT2:348; this "Qenya" word is evidently obsoleted by # 1 above)
telë- "finish, end" (intransitive), also "be the last thing or person in a series or sequence of events" (WJ:411; telë may be taken as the 3rd person aorist of a stem tel-)
telella adj. corresponding to Telellë (LT1:267)
Telellë "little elf" (also Teler); the Telelli are said to be "young Elves of all clans who dwelt in Kôr to perfect their arts of singing and poetry" (LT1:267; see Teler)
Telellië "Teler-folk" (TELES)
Telemmaitë masc. name, *"Silver-handed" (Appendix A)
telemna "of silver" (KYELEP/TELEP)
Telemnar, "Silver-flame" (Appendix A; for *Telep-nar)
telempë "silver" (LT1:268; in Tolkien's later Quenya telpë, which is actually also found in early "Qenya")
telep- see telpë
telepsa "of silver" (KYELEP/TELEP)
telepta "silver", as adj? (LT2:347 - rather telemna in Tolkien's later Quenya)
Teler "sea-elf", pl. Teleri, general (partitive) pl. Telelli, the third tribe of the Eldar (TELES (MIS) ), also called Lindar. Teleri means "those at the end of the line, the hindmost", (WJ:382 cf. 371), derived from the stem tel- "finish, end, be last" (SA:tel-). The Lindar were so called because they lagged behind on the march from Cuiviénen. In early "Qenya", Teler, also Telellë, was defined "little elf" (LT1:267), but this is certainly not a valid gloss in Tolkien's later Quenya.
telerëa adj. corresponding to Teler (LT1:267; perhaps rather Telerin in Tolkien's later Quenya)
Telerin "Telerian" (TELES)
telerinwa Telerin (paraphrased "of the Shores of Elfland" in MC:215, since the Teleri dwelt on the shores of the Blessed Realm.) (MC:216; this is "Qenya")
Telimbectar ("k") "Orion", lit. "Swordsman of Heaven". Also Telimectar ("k"). (LT1:268; in Tolkien's later Quenya Telumehtar, q.v. The combination ct is not found in LotR-style Quenya.)
telimbo "canopy, sky" (LT1:268)
Telimectar ("k") "Orion", lit. "Swordsman of Heaven". Also Telimbectar ("k"). (LT1:268; in Tolkien's later Quenya Telumehtar)
tella "hindmost, last" (TELES)
tellë "rear" (TELES)
telluma "dome, copula", especially the "Dome of Varda" over Valinor, but also applied to the domes of the mansion of Manwë and Varda upon Taniquetil. Adopted from Valarin delgûmâ under the influence of pure Quenya telumë (WJ:399, 411). Pl. tellumar is attested (Nam, RGEO:66).
telma "a conclusion, anything used to finish off a work or affair", often applied to the last item in a structure, such as a coping-stone, or a topmost pinnacle (WJ:411). Notice that the form telmanna in the entry TEL/TELU in the Etymologies is a misreading for talmanna (VT46:18) and therefore not the same word as telma.
telmë "hood, covering" (apparently emended from telma, VT46:18); ablative in the phrase telmello talmanna "from hood to base, from crown to foot, top to bottom" (TEL/TELU; the form telmello telmanna occurring in the Etymologies as printed in LR is wrong, VT46:18)
telpë "silver", telep- in some compounds like Teleporno; assimilated telem- in Telemnar (KYELEP/TELEP, SA:celeb, LT1:255, 268; also tyelpë, telep-, UT:266). The true Quenya descendant of primitive *kyelepê is tyelpë, but the Telerin form telpë was more common, "for the Teleri prized silver above gold, and their skill as silversmiths was esteemed even by the Noldor" (UT:266). Telperion the White Tree of Valinor; Telperien ("Telperiën"), fem. name including telp- "silver" (Appendix A); Telperinquar "Silver-fist, Celebrimbor" (SA:celeb - also Tyelperinquar); Telporno, Teleporno "Silver-high" = Sindarin Celeborn (Letters:347, UT:266). It seems that Teleporno is properly Telerin, Quenyarized as Telporno.
telpina "of silver" (KYELEP/TELEP)
telqui ("q") (analogical) pl. of telco (TÉLEK)
telta- "to canopy, overshadow, screen" (TEL/TELU)
teltassë "awning" (GL:70)
Telufinwë "Last Finwë", masc. name; he was called Amras in Sindarin. Short Quenya name Telvo. (PM:353)
telumë "dome, roof, canopy" (TEL/TELU, WJ:411 cf. 399; see also telluma); "firmament" (MC:214), inflected telumen in MC:221 (the latter is "Qenya"). Telumehtar "warrior of the sky", older name of Menelmacar = Orion (Appendix E, TEL/TELU, WJ:411); Telumendil *"Sky-friend", name of a constellation (Silm)
telya- "finish, wind up, conclude" (transitive) (WJ:411)
téma "row, series, line" (pl. témar attested) (TEÑ, Appendix E)
ten "for", in Fíriel's Song; apparently replaced by an in LotR-style Quenya.
ten- "hear", future tense tenuva (MC:213; in Tolkien's later Quenya, "hear" is hlar-)
téna "straight, right" (SD:310; see téra)
tencelë ("k") "writing system, spelling" (TEK)
tengë "indicated", pa.t. of tëa (VT39:6)
tengwa (pl. tengwar is attested) "letter", tengwa (ñ) "any one visible sign representing (theoretically) any one audible teñgwe" (phoneme) (VT39:17). In non-technical usage tengwa was equivalent to "consonant", since only the consonants were full signs (WJ:396, TEK). In the Etymologies, tengwa was apparently emended from tengwë (VT46:17).
tengwanda "alphabet" (TEK)
tengwë (pl. tengwi attested) "indication, sign, token", in linguistics used for phonemes (VT39:7, WJ:394); hloníti tengwi "phonetic signs" (WJ:395). The term tengwë was particularly associated with consonants (VT39:16). In the Etymologies, stem TEK, tengwë is glossed "writing"; this gloss would seem to be obsoleted (use sarmë).
tengwelë "Language" (in all its aspects), a general word for the grouping and composing of tengwi (linguistic "signs", phonemes) into a linguistic system (VT39:16)
tengwesta ("ñ") "a system or code of signs", "Language", referring particularly to structure, including morphology and grammar (VT39:15). As a technical term for "language", this includes languages not made up of sounds (WJ:394), but usually it means "spoken language" when unqualified (WJ:395). In the Etymologies, tengwesta is glossed "grammar" (TEK).
tengwestië "Language" as abstract or phenomenon (WJ:394)
tenna "until, up to, as far as" (CO), "unto" (VT44:35-36), elided tenn' in the phrase tenn' Ambar-metta "until the end of the world" in EO, because the next word begins in a similar vowel; tennoio "for ever" (tenna + oio, q.v.)
ter (1), also terë, "through" (Notes on CO, UT:317, TER/TERES, Narqelion, VT44:35)
ter (2), also tér, ephemeral word for "so" (see ier), abandoned in favour of tambë (VT43:17)
téra "straight, right" (TEÑ, see TE3; LR:47; in one text Tolkien changed it to téna, SD:310)
tercáno "herald" (PM:362)
tercen ("terken") "insight", literally *"through-sight" (MR:471); adj. #tercenya (only pl. tercenyë attested) "of insight"; essi tercenyë "names of insight", names given to a child by its mother, indicating some dominant feature of its nature as perceived by her (MR:216)
teren, terenë "slender" (TER/TERES)
Terendul "Slender-(and)-dark", masc. name (LR:59, TER/TERES, DUL, NDUL)
teret "auger, gimlet" (LT1:255)
tereva "fine, acute" (TER/TERES), "piercing" (LT1:255; though glossed "fine, acute" in the Etymologies, the stem TER is defined as "pierce")
terfantië "temptation" (VT43:9, 22); Tolkien may have abandoned this form in favour of úsahtië, q.v.
#terpellië "temptation" (allative terpellienna attested, VT43:8, 9); Tolkien may have abandoned this form in favour of úsahtië, q.v.
terhat- "break apart" (SKAT), past tense terhantë "broke" (LR:47/56)
termar- "stand" meaning last (ter-mar- "through-abide"); future tense termaruva in CO.
terra "fine pierced hole" (VT46:18)
-tes ending for dual "respective" (Plotz)
tevë- "to hate" (LT1:268; in Tolkien's later Quenya, tevë may be understood as the 3rd person aorist)
tevië "hatred" (LT1:268)
tevin adj. "hated" (QL:90, not to be glossed "hatred" as in LT1:268)
Thauron (Þauron) earlier form of Sauron, before the change th > s (SA:thaur, cf. Letters:380, which suggests a stem thaurond-, there spelt with the Greek letter for th)
thelma (Þelma) see *selma
Therindë (Þerindë) "Needlewoman", original form of Serindë, before the shift th > s (PM:333)
thindë (Þindë) older form of sindë, q.v., preserved in Vanyarin (WJ:384, there spelt with the special letter Þ, not the digraph th)
Thindicollo (Þindicollo) original form of Sindicollo, before the shift th > s (PM:337, there spelt with the special letter Þ, not the digraph th)
thorno (Þorno) archaic/Vanyarin form of sorno (Letters:427)
thúlë (Þúlë) see súlë
tië "path, course, line, direction, way" (TE3); pl. tier in Namárië (Nam, RGEO:67); tielyanna "upon your path" (UT:22 cf. 51; tie-lya-nna "path-your-upon")
tien would seem to be a dative pronoun *"for them". Whether this is somehow to be derived from the pronoun te "them" (and *"they"?), or whether it is the dative form of an otherwise unattested 3rd person pl. pronoun *tië, remains unclear. (VT43:12, 21)
tier is, besides the pl. form of tië "path" above, an ephemeral word for "so", abandoned by Tolkien in favour of tambë (VT43:17)
tihta- "blink, peer", participle tihtala in an earlier variant of Markirya
tildë "spike, horn" (TIL; in the Etymologies as printed in LR, the first gloss is quoted as "point", but according to VT46:19, the proper reading is "spike")
Tilion "the Horned", name of a Maia, steersman of the Moon (SA:til; according to the Etymologies, stem TIL, Tilion is a name of the "man in the Moon")
timpë "fine rain" (LT1:268, Narqelion)
timpinë "spray" (LT1:268)
timpinen "a fluter" (LT1:268; hardly valid in Tolkien's later Quenya)
tin- "glint" (3rd pers. aorist tinë "it glints") (TIN)
tinco "metal" (TINKÔ), also name of tengwa #1 (Appendix E, there spelt "tinco", but "tinko" in Etym); tincotéma "t-series", dental series, first column of the Tengwar system (Appendix E)
tinda (1) "glinting, silver" (adj.) (TIN)
tinda (2) "spike" (LT1:258; probably obsoleted by # 1 above)
tindë "glint" (noun) (TIN)
tindómë "starry twilight, starlit dusk" (DOMO, TIN, SA:tin), usually of the time near dawn, not near evening (SA:tin)
tindómerel (also capitalized Tindómerel) "daughter of twilight", a kenning (poetic name) of the nightingale; = Sindarin Tinúviel. (TIN, SEL-D, SA:tin)
tindon "lay" () (MC:220; this is "Qenya")
tínë "shining" (MC:213; this is "Qenya")
tinga- (not glossed, evidently meaning *"to twang, make a twang") (TING/TANG)
tingë "twang" (TING/TANG)
tingilindë "a twinkling star" (TIN, VT45:15)
tingilya "a twinkling star" (TIN), also divided ting-ilya (VT45:15)
tinta- "kindle, cause to sparkle", cf. Tintallë (TIN, SA:tin, MR:388)
Tintallë "Kindler", a title of Varda who kindled the stars (TIN, Nam, RGEO:67). From tinta- "kindle, make to sparkle" (MR:388)
Tintanië "Kindler" = Varda (TIN; Tintánië under TAN, which according to VT46:17 Tolkien interpreted both as "Star-maker" and "Star-making")
tintila- "twinkle", present (or maybe rather aorist) pl. tintilar (Nam, RGEO:67)
tintina- "sparkle" (actually glossed "it sparkles") (TIN)
tinwë "spark" (gloss misquoted as "sparkle" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, see VT46:19), also "star"; pl. tinwi "sparks", properly used of the star-imagines on Nur-menel (q.v.). Cf. nillë. (TIN, MR:388) In early "Qenya", tinwë was simply glossed "star" (LT1:269, cf. MC:214). In one late source, the meaning of tinwë is given as "spark", and it is said that this word (like Sindarin gil) was used of the stars of heaven "in place of the older and more elevated el, elen- stem" (VT42:11).
tinwelindon "like stars" (MC:213, MC:220; this is a "Qenya" "similative" form in -ndon and pl. in -li)
Tinwerína (name) (RIG)
[Tinwerontar] "star-queen, title of Varda" (TIN, TÂ/TA3)
[Tinwetar] "star-queen, Queen of Stars", title of Varda (TIN, TÂ/TA3)
tir- "watch, watch over, guard, heed", 1st pers. aorist tirin "I watch", pa.t. tirnë (TIR), future tense tiruva "shall heed" in Markirya (also MC:213, 214); also in CO with pronominal endings: tiruvantes "they will guard it" (tir-uva-nte-s "guard-will-they-it"). The stem also occurs in palantíri (q.v.), Tirion "Great Watchtower", a city of the Elves (SA:tir; in MR:176 the translation is "Watchful City")
tirin "tall tower" (LT1:258; this is a verb "I watch" in the Etymologies, stem TIR.)
tirion "watch-tower, tower" (TIR); in early "Qenya" the gloss was "a mighty tower, a city on a hill" (LT1:258). Tirion "Great Watchtower", a city of the Elves (SA:tir; in MR:176 the translation is "Watchful City")
tirios (probably *tiriost-) "a town with walls and towers" (LT1:258)
tiris "watch, vigil" (LT1:258)
titta "little, tiny" (TIT)
tiuca ("k") "thick, fat" (TIW)
tiuco ("k") "thigh" (TIW)
tiuya- "swell, grow fat" (TIW; emended by Tolkien from tiuta-, VT46:19)
tixë ("ks") "dot, tiny mark, point" (TIK)
-to ending for dual genitive (Plotz)
tó "wool" (TOW)
toa (1) ("töa") noun "wood" (VT39:6)
toa (2) adj. "of wool, woollen" (TOW; in GL:71 toa was glossed "wool", noun instead of adjective - but in Tolkien's later Quenya, the noun is tó)
toi "they" (FS; replaced by te in LotR-style Quenya?)
tol "island, isle" (rising with sheer sides from the sea or from the river, SA:tol). In early "Qenya", the word was defined as "island, any rise standing alone in water, plain of green, etc" (LT1:269). The stem is toll-; the Etymologies as published in LR gives the pl. "tolle" (TOL2), but this is a misreading for tolli (see VT46:19 and compare LT1:85).
toldëa "eighth" (VT42:25), also toltëa (VT42:31). See tolto.
Tol Eressëa "Lonely Isle" (LONO, Silm), also spelt Tol-Eressëa (ERE), Tol-eressëa (TOL2)
tólë "centre" (LT1:269; the word endë in to be preferred in Tolkien's later Quenya)
tollalinta "upon hills" (MC:214; this is "Qenya")
tollanta "upon top(s?)" (MC:221; this is "Qenya")
tolmen "boss (of shield)" (LT1:269)
tolos "knob, lump" (LT1:269)
toltëa "eighth" (VT42:31), also toldëa (VT42:25). See tolto.
tolto "eight" (TOL1-OTH/OT); toltëa ordinal "eighth" (VT42:31, also toldëa, VT42:25 - the latter form probably presupposes *toldo as the cardinal "eight").
tombo "gong" (LT1:269)
tompë pa.t. of top- (topë) (TOP)
top- "cover" (1st pers. aorist topë "covers"), pa.t. tompë (TOP). Variant tup-, q.v.
tópa, tópa- "roof" (noun and verb) (TOP)
[Tormen] "north" (MEN; replaced by Formen, q.v.)
torni pl. of toron (TOR)
toron (torn- as in pl. torni) "brother" (TOR)
torwa (Narqelion)
tuc- ("k") "draw" (1st pers. aorist tucin "I draw") (TUK)
tucalia ("k") (Narqelion)
tuia- "sprout, spring" (Tolkien's gloss is actually "sprouts, springs", since tuia is also the 3rd pers. sg. present tense) (TUY)
tuilë "spring, spring-time", also used = "dayspring, early morn" (VT39:7, TUY), in the calendar of Imladris a precisely defined period of 54 days, but also used without any exact definition. Cf. tuilérë, q.v. (Appendix D) - In early "Qenya", the word tuilë is glossed "Spring", but it is said that it literally refers to a "budding", also used collectively for "buds, new shoots, fresh green" (LT1:269). Cf. tuima in Tolkien's later Quenya.
tuilérë *"Spring-day", a day outside the months in the Steward's Reckoning, inserted between Súlimë and Víressë (March and April). In early "Qenya", Tuilérë was simply glossed "Spring" (LT1:269).
tuilindo "swallow", etymologically "spring-singer" (TUY, LIN2, LT1:269, LT2:338)
tuima "sprout, bud" (noun) (TUY)
tul- "come" (WJ:368), 1st pers. aorist tulin "I come" (TUL), perfect utúlië "has come" (utúlien "I am come", EO), utúlie'n aurë "Day has come" (the function of the 'n is unclear; it may simply be inserted for euphony). Past tense túlë "came" in LR:47 and SD:246; read perhaps *tullë in LotR-style Quenya. Túlë in VT43:14 seems to be an abnormal aorist stem, later abandoned; tula in the same source would be an imperative. In early "Qenya" we have the perfects tulielto "they have come" (LT1:114, 270) and tulier "have come", pl., in the phrase I·Eldar tulier "the Eldar have come"(LT1:114, 270). Read probably *utúlientë, *Eldar utúlier in LotR-style Quenya.
tulca (1) ("k") "firm, strong, immovable, steadfast" (TULUK). Early "Qenya" also has a verb tulca- ("k") "fix, set up, establish" (LT1:270); this word may still be valid in LotR-style Quenya.
tulca (2) ("k") "yellow". Adopted and adapted from Valarin. (WJ:399)
tulco ("k") "support, prop". Given the primitive form tulku, the word would have the stem-form *tulcu- and the plural form *tulqui. (TULUK)
Tulkas (Tulkass-, as in Tulkassen) name of a Vala, adopted and adapted from Valarin (WJ:399, TULUK)
tulma "bier" (LT1:270)
tulta- "send for, fetch, summon" (TUL)
tulu- "fetch, bring, bear; move, come" (LT1:270; probably obsoleted by tulta- in Tolkien's later Quenya)
tulunca ("k") "steady, firm" (LT1:270; in Tolkien's later Quenya tulca)
tulwë "pillar, standard, pole" (LT1:270)
tulya- "lead" (+ allative: lead into) (VT43:22)
túma "moving" (MC:214; this is "Qenya")
tumba "deep valley" (Letters:308; SA:tum and TUB gives tumbo "valley, deep valley"); apparently an extended form *tumbalë in tumbalemorna "deepvalleyblack" or (according to SA:tum) "black deep valley", also tumbaletaurëa "deepvalleyforested"; see Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna...
tumbë "trumpet" (LT1:269)
tumbo (stem *tumbu-, given the primitive form tumbu) "(deep) valley", under or among hills (TUB, SA:tum) - In early "Qenya", the gloss was "dark vale" (LT1:269). See tumba.
Tumbolatsin (place-name, apparently incorporating tumbo) (LAT)
tumna "lowlying, deep, low" (TUB); early "Qenya" glosses: "deep, profound, dark or hidden" (LT1:269, 271)
tumpo (stem tumpu-, given the primitive form tumpu) "hump" (TUMPU)
Túna (also Tún) name of the hill on which Tirion was built (Silm, TUN, KOR), derived from a stem (TUN) apparently meaning simply *"hill, mound".
tunda "tall" (TUN)
tunda- "kindle" (LT1:270; rather tinta- in Tolkien's later Quenya)
tundo "hill, mound" (TUN)
tunga "taut, tight" (of strings:) "resonant" (TUG)
tuo "muscle, sinew, vigour, physical strength" (TUG)
#tup- "cover", isolated from untúpa, q.v. Variant top- in the Etymologies.
tupsë "thatch" (TUP)
tur- "wield, control, govern" (1st pers. aorist turin "I wield" etc.), pa.t. turnë (TUR)
Turambar masc. name, "Master of Doom/Fate", name taken in pride by Túrin (Appendix A, SA:tur, TUR, MBARAT)
tur "king" (LT1:260); rather aran in LotR-style Quenya, but cf. the verb tur-.
Turcafinwë "strong, powerful (in body) Finwë", masc. name; he was called Celegorm in Sindarin. Short Quenya name Turco. (PM:352)
Turcil ("k") noun "Númenórean" (TUR), stem turcild- as in pl. turcildi (LR:47, 56; SD:246). Variant of Tarcil; see VT46:17.
Turco see Turcafinwë
túrë "mastery, victory" (TUR)
Túrin (masc. name), apparently meaning "victory-mood" (LR:395, stem TUR). The Etymologies gives Turindo as the Quenya form of this name; Túrin seems to be properly the Sindarin form, though it fits Quenya style well enough and Nienor used it in a Quenya sentence (near the end of ch. 21 of the Silmarillion)
#turinasta, #túrinasta "kingdom" (turinastalya, túrinastalya "thy kingdom", VT43:15). These words for "kingdom" Tolkien perhaps abandoned in favour of #aranië, q.v.
#turindië, #túrindië "kingdom" (turindielya, túrindielya "thy kingdom", VT43:15). These words for "kingdom" Tolkien perhaps abandoned in favour of #aranië, q.v.
Turindo (masc. name, see Túrin). (TUR)
turinqui ("q") "queen" (LT1:260; apparently the fem. of tur. In Tolkien's later Quenya, "queen" is tári.)
turma "shield" (TURÚM)
turnë pa.t. of tur- (TUR)
Túrosto "Gabilgathol", a dwelling of the Dwarves (Sindarin Belegost; the names mean "Mickleburg", "Great Fortress")
turu "wood" (properly firewood, but used of wood in general) (LT1:270)
turu- "kindle" (LT1:270; rather tinta- in LotR-style Quenya)
Turucáno ("-káno") "Turgon" (PM:344)
[Turumbar] ( (MBARAT) Changed by Tolkien to Turambar
#turúna "mastered", only attested attested in the elided form turún' (UT:138, apparently incomplete spelling turun in Silm ch. 21). The form must be understood as the past participle of tur- "wield, control, govern", though we would normally expect *túrina or *turna.
turúva "wooden" (LT1:270)
tussa "bush" (TUS)
tusturë "tinder" (LT1:270)
#tuv- "find", perfect utúvië "has found" in Aragorn's exclamation when he found the sapling of the White Tree: utúvienyes "I have found it" (utúvie-nye-s "have found-I-it") (LotR3:VI ch. 5)
tuvu- "receive" (GL:71; is this "Qenya" word related to #tuv- "find"?)
-twa ending for dual possessive (Plotz)
tyal- "play" (1st pers. aorist tyalin "I play") (TYAL)
tyalangan "harp-player" (TYAL)
tyalië "sport, play, game" (TYAL, LT1:260)
tyar- "cause" (KYAR)
tyaro "doer, actor, agent" (KAR)
tyav- "taste" (1st pers. aorist tyavin "I taste") (KYAB)
tyávë pl. #tyáver "taste", noun (pl. attested only in the compound lámatyáver, see lámatyávë.) (MR:215, 216)
tye "you, thee" as object (LR:61, 70, Arct)
tyel (1) (tyeld- as in the pl. form tyeldi) "end" (noun) (FS, KYEL; the pl. form tyeldi was misread as "tyelde" in the Etymologies as printed in LR; cf. VT45:25)
tyel- (2) "end, cease" (KYEL)
tyelca ("k") "swift, agile" (KYELEK), "hasty" (PM:353)
Tyelcormo ("k") "hasty-riser", mother-name (never used in narrative) of Turcafinwë = Celegorm (PM:353)
[**tyeldë], see tyel (KYEL)
tyelima "final" (KYEL)
tyellë "grade" (pl. tyeller attested) (Appendix E)
tyelma "ending" (FS, VT45:25)
tyelpë "silver" (KYELEP/TELEP), etymology also in Letters:426 and UT:266. Tyelpë is the true Quenya descendant of primitive *kyelepê, but the Telerin form telpë was more common, "for the Teleri prized silver above gold, and their skill as silversmiths was esteemed even by the Noldor" (UT:266). In the Etymologies, tyelpë is also the name of Tengwa #1 with overposed dots, this symbol having the value ty (VT45:25). Cf. tyelpetéma as the name of the entire palatal series of the Tengwar system.
Tyelperinquar "Silver-fist, Celebrimbor" (PM:318; also Telperinqar, q.v.)
tyelpetéma "palatal series" (Appendix E)
Tyelperion less common name of Telperion (UT:266).
tyulma "mast" (TYUL, SD:419). "Qenya" pl. tyulmin "masts" in MC:216; read *tyulmar in LotR-style Quenya.
tyulussë "poplar-tree" (TYUL)
tyur "cheese" (QL:50 cf. GL:28)
telco "stem" of a Tengwa symbol (Appendix E). The Etymologies gives telco ("k") pl. telqui ("q") "leg" (the pl. form is said to be analogical) (TÉLEK). It seems, then, that the word can refer to a "stem" or "leg" in general as well as the stem of a Tengwa. In the pre-classical Tengwar system presupposed in the Etymologies, telco is used to refer to a carrier symbol (VT46:18, 33)
Telcontar "Strider" (MR:216)
telda (1) "last, final" (WJ:407)
telda (2) "having a roof" (LT1:268, LT2:348; this "Qenya" word is evidently obsoleted by # 1 above)
telë- "finish, end" (intransitive), also "be the last thing or person in a series or sequence of events" (WJ:411; telë may be taken as the 3rd person aorist of a stem tel-)
telella adj. corresponding to Telellë (LT1:267)
Telellë "little elf" (also Teler); the Telelli are said to be "young Elves of all clans who dwelt in Kôr to perfect their arts of singing and poetry" (LT1:267; see Teler)
Telellië "Teler-folk" (TELES)
Telemmaitë masc. name, *"Silver-handed" (Appendix A)
telemna "of silver" (KYELEP/TELEP)
Telemnar, "Silver-flame" (Appendix A; for *Telep-nar)
telempë "silver" (LT1:268; in Tolkien's later Quenya telpë, which is actually also found in early "Qenya")
telep- see telpë
telepsa "of silver" (KYELEP/TELEP)
telepta "silver", as adj? (LT2:347 - rather telemna in Tolkien's later Quenya)
Teler "sea-elf", pl. Teleri, general (partitive) pl. Telelli, the third tribe of the Eldar (TELES (MIS) ), also called Lindar. Teleri means "those at the end of the line, the hindmost", (WJ:382 cf. 371), derived from the stem tel- "finish, end, be last" (SA:tel-). The Lindar were so called because they lagged behind on the march from Cuiviénen. In early "Qenya", Teler, also Telellë, was defined "little elf" (LT1:267), but this is certainly not a valid gloss in Tolkien's later Quenya.
telerëa adj. corresponding to Teler (LT1:267; perhaps rather Telerin in Tolkien's later Quenya)
Telerin "Telerian" (TELES)
telerinwa Telerin (paraphrased "of the Shores of Elfland" in MC:215, since the Teleri dwelt on the shores of the Blessed Realm.) (MC:216; this is "Qenya")
Telimbectar ("k") "Orion", lit. "Swordsman of Heaven". Also Telimectar ("k"). (LT1:268; in Tolkien's later Quenya Telumehtar, q.v. The combination ct is not found in LotR-style Quenya.)
telimbo "canopy, sky" (LT1:268)
Telimectar ("k") "Orion", lit. "Swordsman of Heaven". Also Telimbectar ("k"). (LT1:268; in Tolkien's later Quenya Telumehtar)
tella "hindmost, last" (TELES)
tellë "rear" (TELES)
telluma "dome, copula", especially the "Dome of Varda" over Valinor, but also applied to the domes of the mansion of Manwë and Varda upon Taniquetil. Adopted from Valarin delgûmâ under the influence of pure Quenya telumë (WJ:399, 411). Pl. tellumar is attested (Nam, RGEO:66).
telma "a conclusion, anything used to finish off a work or affair", often applied to the last item in a structure, such as a coping-stone, or a topmost pinnacle (WJ:411). Notice that the form telmanna in the entry TEL/TELU in the Etymologies is a misreading for talmanna (VT46:18) and therefore not the same word as telma.
telmë "hood, covering" (apparently emended from telma, VT46:18); ablative in the phrase telmello talmanna "from hood to base, from crown to foot, top to bottom" (TEL/TELU; the form telmello telmanna occurring in the Etymologies as printed in LR is wrong, VT46:18)
telpë "silver", telep- in some compounds like Teleporno; assimilated telem- in Telemnar (KYELEP/TELEP, SA:celeb, LT1:255, 268; also tyelpë, telep-, UT:266). The true Quenya descendant of primitive *kyelepê is tyelpë, but the Telerin form telpë was more common, "for the Teleri prized silver above gold, and their skill as silversmiths was esteemed even by the Noldor" (UT:266). Telperion the White Tree of Valinor; Telperien ("Telperiën"), fem. name including telp- "silver" (Appendix A); Telperinquar "Silver-fist, Celebrimbor" (SA:celeb - also Tyelperinquar); Telporno, Teleporno "Silver-high" = Sindarin Celeborn (Letters:347, UT:266). It seems that Teleporno is properly Telerin, Quenyarized as Telporno.
telpina "of silver" (KYELEP/TELEP)
telqui ("q") (analogical) pl. of telco (TÉLEK)
telta- "to canopy, overshadow, screen" (TEL/TELU)
teltassë "awning" (GL:70)
Telufinwë "Last Finwë", masc. name; he was called Amras in Sindarin. Short Quenya name Telvo. (PM:353)
telumë "dome, roof, canopy" (TEL/TELU, WJ:411 cf. 399; see also telluma); "firmament" (MC:214), inflected telumen in MC:221 (the latter is "Qenya"). Telumehtar "warrior of the sky", older name of Menelmacar = Orion (Appendix E, TEL/TELU, WJ:411); Telumendil *"Sky-friend", name of a constellation (Silm)
telya- "finish, wind up, conclude" (transitive) (WJ:411)
téma "row, series, line" (pl. témar attested) (TEÑ, Appendix E)
ten "for", in Fíriel's Song; apparently replaced by an in LotR-style Quenya.
ten- "hear", future tense tenuva (MC:213; in Tolkien's later Quenya, "hear" is hlar-)
téna "straight, right" (SD:310; see téra)
tencelë ("k") "writing system, spelling" (TEK)
tengë "indicated", pa.t. of tëa (VT39:6)
tengwa (pl. tengwar is attested) "letter", tengwa (ñ) "any one visible sign representing (theoretically) any one audible teñgwe" (phoneme) (VT39:17). In non-technical usage tengwa was equivalent to "consonant", since only the consonants were full signs (WJ:396, TEK). In the Etymologies, tengwa was apparently emended from tengwë (VT46:17).
tengwanda "alphabet" (TEK)
tengwë (pl. tengwi attested) "indication, sign, token", in linguistics used for phonemes (VT39:7, WJ:394); hloníti tengwi "phonetic signs" (WJ:395). The term tengwë was particularly associated with consonants (VT39:16). In the Etymologies, stem TEK, tengwë is glossed "writing"; this gloss would seem to be obsoleted (use sarmë).
tengwelë "Language" (in all its aspects), a general word for the grouping and composing of tengwi (linguistic "signs", phonemes) into a linguistic system (VT39:16)
tengwesta ("ñ") "a system or code of signs", "Language", referring particularly to structure, including morphology and grammar (VT39:15). As a technical term for "language", this includes languages not made up of sounds (WJ:394), but usually it means "spoken language" when unqualified (WJ:395). In the Etymologies, tengwesta is glossed "grammar" (TEK).
tengwestië "Language" as abstract or phenomenon (WJ:394)
tenna "until, up to, as far as" (CO), "unto" (VT44:35-36), elided tenn' in the phrase tenn' Ambar-metta "until the end of the world" in EO, because the next word begins in a similar vowel; tennoio "for ever" (tenna + oio, q.v.)
ter (1), also terë, "through" (Notes on CO, UT:317, TER/TERES, Narqelion, VT44:35)
ter (2), also tér, ephemeral word for "so" (see ier), abandoned in favour of tambë (VT43:17)
téra "straight, right" (TEÑ, see TE3; LR:47; in one text Tolkien changed it to téna, SD:310)
tercáno "herald" (PM:362)
tercen ("terken") "insight", literally *"through-sight" (MR:471); adj. #tercenya (only pl. tercenyë attested) "of insight"; essi tercenyë "names of insight", names given to a child by its mother, indicating some dominant feature of its nature as perceived by her (MR:216)
teren, terenë "slender" (TER/TERES)
Terendul "Slender-(and)-dark", masc. name (LR:59, TER/TERES, DUL, NDUL)
teret "auger, gimlet" (LT1:255)
tereva "fine, acute" (TER/TERES), "piercing" (LT1:255; though glossed "fine, acute" in the Etymologies, the stem TER is defined as "pierce")
terfantië "temptation" (VT43:9, 22); Tolkien may have abandoned this form in favour of úsahtië, q.v.
#terpellië "temptation" (allative terpellienna attested, VT43:8, 9); Tolkien may have abandoned this form in favour of úsahtië, q.v.
terhat- "break apart" (SKAT), past tense terhantë "broke" (LR:47/56)
termar- "stand" meaning last (ter-mar- "through-abide"); future tense termaruva in CO.
terra "fine pierced hole" (VT46:18)
-tes ending for dual "respective" (Plotz)
tevë- "to hate" (LT1:268; in Tolkien's later Quenya, tevë may be understood as the 3rd person aorist)
tevië "hatred" (LT1:268)
tevin adj. "hated" (QL:90, not to be glossed "hatred" as in LT1:268)
Thauron (Þauron) earlier form of Sauron, before the change th > s (SA:thaur, cf. Letters:380, which suggests a stem thaurond-, there spelt with the Greek letter for th)
thelma (Þelma) see *selma
Therindë (Þerindë) "Needlewoman", original form of Serindë, before the shift th > s (PM:333)
thindë (Þindë) older form of sindë, q.v., preserved in Vanyarin (WJ:384, there spelt with the special letter Þ, not the digraph th)
Thindicollo (Þindicollo) original form of Sindicollo, before the shift th > s (PM:337, there spelt with the special letter Þ, not the digraph th)
thorno (Þorno) archaic/Vanyarin form of sorno (Letters:427)
thúlë (Þúlë) see súlë
tië "path, course, line, direction, way" (TE3); pl. tier in Namárië (Nam, RGEO:67); tielyanna "upon your path" (UT:22 cf. 51; tie-lya-nna "path-your-upon")
tien would seem to be a dative pronoun *"for them". Whether this is somehow to be derived from the pronoun te "them" (and *"they"?), or whether it is the dative form of an otherwise unattested 3rd person pl. pronoun *tië, remains unclear. (VT43:12, 21)
tier is, besides the pl. form of tië "path" above, an ephemeral word for "so", abandoned by Tolkien in favour of tambë (VT43:17)
tihta- "blink, peer", participle tihtala in an earlier variant of Markirya
tildë "spike, horn" (TIL; in the Etymologies as printed in LR, the first gloss is quoted as "point", but according to VT46:19, the proper reading is "spike")
Tilion "the Horned", name of a Maia, steersman of the Moon (SA:til; according to the Etymologies, stem TIL, Tilion is a name of the "man in the Moon")
timpë "fine rain" (LT1:268, Narqelion)
timpinë "spray" (LT1:268)
timpinen "a fluter" (LT1:268; hardly valid in Tolkien's later Quenya)
tin- "glint" (3rd pers. aorist tinë "it glints") (TIN)
tinco "metal" (TINKÔ), also name of tengwa #1 (Appendix E, there spelt "tinco", but "tinko" in Etym); tincotéma "t-series", dental series, first column of the Tengwar system (Appendix E)
tinda (1) "glinting, silver" (adj.) (TIN)
tinda (2) "spike" (LT1:258; probably obsoleted by # 1 above)
tindë "glint" (noun) (TIN)
tindómë "starry twilight, starlit dusk" (DOMO, TIN, SA:tin), usually of the time near dawn, not near evening (SA:tin)
tindómerel (also capitalized Tindómerel) "daughter of twilight", a kenning (poetic name) of the nightingale; = Sindarin Tinúviel. (TIN, SEL-D, SA:tin)
tindon "lay" () (MC:220; this is "Qenya")
tínë "shining" (MC:213; this is "Qenya")
tinga- (not glossed, evidently meaning *"to twang, make a twang") (TING/TANG)
tingë "twang" (TING/TANG)
tingilindë "a twinkling star" (TIN, VT45:15)
tingilya "a twinkling star" (TIN), also divided ting-ilya (VT45:15)
tinta- "kindle, cause to sparkle", cf. Tintallë (TIN, SA:tin, MR:388)
Tintallë "Kindler", a title of Varda who kindled the stars (TIN, Nam, RGEO:67). From tinta- "kindle, make to sparkle" (MR:388)
Tintanië "Kindler" = Varda (TIN; Tintánië under TAN, which according to VT46:17 Tolkien interpreted both as "Star-maker" and "Star-making")
tintila- "twinkle", present (or maybe rather aorist) pl. tintilar (Nam, RGEO:67)
tintina- "sparkle" (actually glossed "it sparkles") (TIN)
tinwë "spark" (gloss misquoted as "sparkle" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, see VT46:19), also "star"; pl. tinwi "sparks", properly used of the star-imagines on Nur-menel (q.v.). Cf. nillë. (TIN, MR:388) In early "Qenya", tinwë was simply glossed "star" (LT1:269, cf. MC:214). In one late source, the meaning of tinwë is given as "spark", and it is said that this word (like Sindarin gil) was used of the stars of heaven "in place of the older and more elevated el, elen- stem" (VT42:11).
tinwelindon "like stars" (MC:213, MC:220; this is a "Qenya" "similative" form in -ndon and pl. in -li)
Tinwerína (name) (RIG)
[Tinwerontar] "star-queen, title of Varda" (TIN, TÂ/TA3)
[Tinwetar] "star-queen, Queen of Stars", title of Varda (TIN, TÂ/TA3)
tir- "watch, watch over, guard, heed", 1st pers. aorist tirin "I watch", pa.t. tirnë (TIR), future tense tiruva "shall heed" in Markirya (also MC:213, 214); also in CO with pronominal endings: tiruvantes "they will guard it" (tir-uva-nte-s "guard-will-they-it"). The stem also occurs in palantíri (q.v.), Tirion "Great Watchtower", a city of the Elves (SA:tir; in MR:176 the translation is "Watchful City")
tirin "tall tower" (LT1:258; this is a verb "I watch" in the Etymologies, stem TIR.)
tirion "watch-tower, tower" (TIR); in early "Qenya" the gloss was "a mighty tower, a city on a hill" (LT1:258). Tirion "Great Watchtower", a city of the Elves (SA:tir; in MR:176 the translation is "Watchful City")
tirios (probably *tiriost-) "a town with walls and towers" (LT1:258)
tiris "watch, vigil" (LT1:258)
titta "little, tiny" (TIT)
tiuca ("k") "thick, fat" (TIW)
tiuco ("k") "thigh" (TIW)
tiuya- "swell, grow fat" (TIW; emended by Tolkien from tiuta-, VT46:19)
tixë ("ks") "dot, tiny mark, point" (TIK)
-to ending for dual genitive (Plotz)
tó "wool" (TOW)
toa (1) ("töa") noun "wood" (VT39:6)
toa (2) adj. "of wool, woollen" (TOW; in GL:71 toa was glossed "wool", noun instead of adjective - but in Tolkien's later Quenya, the noun is tó)
toi "they" (FS; replaced by te in LotR-style Quenya?)
tol "island, isle" (rising with sheer sides from the sea or from the river, SA:tol). In early "Qenya", the word was defined as "island, any rise standing alone in water, plain of green, etc" (LT1:269). The stem is toll-; the Etymologies as published in LR gives the pl. "tolle" (TOL2), but this is a misreading for tolli (see VT46:19 and compare LT1:85).
toldëa "eighth" (VT42:25), also toltëa (VT42:31). See tolto.
Tol Eressëa "Lonely Isle" (LONO, Silm), also spelt Tol-Eressëa (ERE), Tol-eressëa (TOL2)
tólë "centre" (LT1:269; the word endë in to be preferred in Tolkien's later Quenya)
tollalinta "upon hills" (MC:214; this is "Qenya")
tollanta "upon top(s?)" (MC:221; this is "Qenya")
tolmen "boss (of shield)" (LT1:269)
tolos "knob, lump" (LT1:269)
toltëa "eighth" (VT42:31), also toldëa (VT42:25). See tolto.
tolto "eight" (TOL1-OTH/OT); toltëa ordinal "eighth" (VT42:31, also toldëa, VT42:25 - the latter form probably presupposes *toldo as the cardinal "eight").
tombo "gong" (LT1:269)
tompë pa.t. of top- (topë) (TOP)
top- "cover" (1st pers. aorist topë "covers"), pa.t. tompë (TOP). Variant tup-, q.v.
tópa, tópa- "roof" (noun and verb) (TOP)
[Tormen] "north" (MEN; replaced by Formen, q.v.)
torni pl. of toron (TOR)
toron (torn- as in pl. torni) "brother" (TOR)
torwa (Narqelion)
tuc- ("k") "draw" (1st pers. aorist tucin "I draw") (TUK)
tucalia ("k") (Narqelion)
tuia- "sprout, spring" (Tolkien's gloss is actually "sprouts, springs", since tuia is also the 3rd pers. sg. present tense) (TUY)
tuilë "spring, spring-time", also used = "dayspring, early morn" (VT39:7, TUY), in the calendar of Imladris a precisely defined period of 54 days, but also used without any exact definition. Cf. tuilérë, q.v. (Appendix D) - In early "Qenya", the word tuilë is glossed "Spring", but it is said that it literally refers to a "budding", also used collectively for "buds, new shoots, fresh green" (LT1:269). Cf. tuima in Tolkien's later Quenya.
tuilérë *"Spring-day", a day outside the months in the Steward's Reckoning, inserted between Súlimë and Víressë (March and April). In early "Qenya", Tuilérë was simply glossed "Spring" (LT1:269).
tuilindo "swallow", etymologically "spring-singer" (TUY, LIN2, LT1:269, LT2:338)
tuima "sprout, bud" (noun) (TUY)
tul- "come" (WJ:368), 1st pers. aorist tulin "I come" (TUL), perfect utúlië "has come" (utúlien "I am come", EO), utúlie'n aurë "Day has come" (the function of the 'n is unclear; it may simply be inserted for euphony). Past tense túlë "came" in LR:47 and SD:246; read perhaps *tullë in LotR-style Quenya. Túlë in VT43:14 seems to be an abnormal aorist stem, later abandoned; tula in the same source would be an imperative. In early "Qenya" we have the perfects tulielto "they have come" (LT1:114, 270) and tulier "have come", pl., in the phrase I·Eldar tulier "the Eldar have come"(LT1:114, 270). Read probably *utúlientë, *Eldar utúlier in LotR-style Quenya.
tulca (1) ("k") "firm, strong, immovable, steadfast" (TULUK). Early "Qenya" also has a verb tulca- ("k") "fix, set up, establish" (LT1:270); this word may still be valid in LotR-style Quenya.
tulca (2) ("k") "yellow". Adopted and adapted from Valarin. (WJ:399)
tulco ("k") "support, prop". Given the primitive form tulku, the word would have the stem-form *tulcu- and the plural form *tulqui. (TULUK)
Tulkas (Tulkass-, as in Tulkassen) name of a Vala, adopted and adapted from Valarin (WJ:399, TULUK)
tulma "bier" (LT1:270)
tulta- "send for, fetch, summon" (TUL)
tulu- "fetch, bring, bear; move, come" (LT1:270; probably obsoleted by tulta- in Tolkien's later Quenya)
tulunca ("k") "steady, firm" (LT1:270; in Tolkien's later Quenya tulca)
tulwë "pillar, standard, pole" (LT1:270)
tulya- "lead" (+ allative: lead into) (VT43:22)
túma "moving" (MC:214; this is "Qenya")
tumba "deep valley" (Letters:308; SA:tum and TUB gives tumbo "valley, deep valley"); apparently an extended form *tumbalë in tumbalemorna "deepvalleyblack" or (according to SA:tum) "black deep valley", also tumbaletaurëa "deepvalleyforested"; see Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna...
tumbë "trumpet" (LT1:269)
tumbo (stem *tumbu-, given the primitive form tumbu) "(deep) valley", under or among hills (TUB, SA:tum) - In early "Qenya", the gloss was "dark vale" (LT1:269). See tumba.
Tumbolatsin (place-name, apparently incorporating tumbo) (LAT)
tumna "lowlying, deep, low" (TUB); early "Qenya" glosses: "deep, profound, dark or hidden" (LT1:269, 271)
tumpo (stem tumpu-, given the primitive form tumpu) "hump" (TUMPU)
Túna (also Tún) name of the hill on which Tirion was built (Silm, TUN, KOR), derived from a stem (TUN) apparently meaning simply *"hill, mound".
tunda "tall" (TUN)
tunda- "kindle" (LT1:270; rather tinta- in Tolkien's later Quenya)
tundo "hill, mound" (TUN)
tunga "taut, tight" (of strings:) "resonant" (TUG)
tuo "muscle, sinew, vigour, physical strength" (TUG)
#tup- "cover", isolated from untúpa, q.v. Variant top- in the Etymologies.
tupsë "thatch" (TUP)
tur- "wield, control, govern" (1st pers. aorist turin "I wield" etc.), pa.t. turnë (TUR)
Turambar masc. name, "Master of Doom/Fate", name taken in pride by Túrin (Appendix A, SA:tur, TUR, MBARAT)
tur "king" (LT1:260); rather aran in LotR-style Quenya, but cf. the verb tur-.
Turcafinwë "strong, powerful (in body) Finwë", masc. name; he was called Celegorm in Sindarin. Short Quenya name Turco. (PM:352)
Turcil ("k") noun "Númenórean" (TUR), stem turcild- as in pl. turcildi (LR:47, 56; SD:246). Variant of Tarcil; see VT46:17.
Turco see Turcafinwë
túrë "mastery, victory" (TUR)
Túrin (masc. name), apparently meaning "victory-mood" (LR:395, stem TUR). The Etymologies gives Turindo as the Quenya form of this name; Túrin seems to be properly the Sindarin form, though it fits Quenya style well enough and Nienor used it in a Quenya sentence (near the end of ch. 21 of the Silmarillion)
#turinasta, #túrinasta "kingdom" (turinastalya, túrinastalya "thy kingdom", VT43:15). These words for "kingdom" Tolkien perhaps abandoned in favour of #aranië, q.v.
#turindië, #túrindië "kingdom" (turindielya, túrindielya "thy kingdom", VT43:15). These words for "kingdom" Tolkien perhaps abandoned in favour of #aranië, q.v.
Turindo (masc. name, see Túrin). (TUR)
turinqui ("q") "queen" (LT1:260; apparently the fem. of tur. In Tolkien's later Quenya, "queen" is tári.)
turma "shield" (TURÚM)
turnë pa.t. of tur- (TUR)
Túrosto "Gabilgathol", a dwelling of the Dwarves (Sindarin Belegost; the names mean "Mickleburg", "Great Fortress")
turu "wood" (properly firewood, but used of wood in general) (LT1:270)
turu- "kindle" (LT1:270; rather tinta- in LotR-style Quenya)
Turucáno ("-káno") "Turgon" (PM:344)
[Turumbar] ( (MBARAT) Changed by Tolkien to Turambar
#turúna "mastered", only attested attested in the elided form turún' (UT:138, apparently incomplete spelling turun in Silm ch. 21). The form must be understood as the past participle of tur- "wield, control, govern", though we would normally expect *túrina or *turna.
turúva "wooden" (LT1:270)
tussa "bush" (TUS)
tusturë "tinder" (LT1:270)
#tuv- "find", perfect utúvië "has found" in Aragorn's exclamation when he found the sapling of the White Tree: utúvienyes "I have found it" (utúvie-nye-s "have found-I-it") (LotR3:VI ch. 5)
tuvu- "receive" (GL:71; is this "Qenya" word related to #tuv- "find"?)
-twa ending for dual possessive (Plotz)
tyal- "play" (1st pers. aorist tyalin "I play") (TYAL)
tyalangan "harp-player" (TYAL)
tyalië "sport, play, game" (TYAL, LT1:260)
tyar- "cause" (KYAR)
tyaro "doer, actor, agent" (KAR)
tyav- "taste" (1st pers. aorist tyavin "I taste") (KYAB)
tyávë pl. #tyáver "taste", noun (pl. attested only in the compound lámatyáver, see lámatyávë.) (MR:215, 216)
tye "you, thee" as object (LR:61, 70, Arct)
tyel (1) (tyeld- as in the pl. form tyeldi) "end" (noun) (FS, KYEL; the pl. form tyeldi was misread as "tyelde" in the Etymologies as printed in LR; cf. VT45:25)
tyel- (2) "end, cease" (KYEL)
tyelca ("k") "swift, agile" (KYELEK), "hasty" (PM:353)
Tyelcormo ("k") "hasty-riser", mother-name (never used in narrative) of Turcafinwë = Celegorm (PM:353)
[**tyeldë], see tyel (KYEL)
tyelima "final" (KYEL)
tyellë "grade" (pl. tyeller attested) (Appendix E)
tyelma "ending" (FS, VT45:25)
tyelpë "silver" (KYELEP/TELEP), etymology also in Letters:426 and UT:266. Tyelpë is the true Quenya descendant of primitive *kyelepê, but the Telerin form telpë was more common, "for the Teleri prized silver above gold, and their skill as silversmiths was esteemed even by the Noldor" (UT:266). In the Etymologies, tyelpë is also the name of Tengwa #1 with overposed dots, this symbol having the value ty (VT45:25). Cf. tyelpetéma as the name of the entire palatal series of the Tengwar system.
Tyelperinquar "Silver-fist, Celebrimbor" (PM:318; also Telperinqar, q.v.)
tyelpetéma "palatal series" (Appendix E)
Tyelperion less common name of Telperion (UT:266).
tyulma "mast" (TYUL, SD:419). "Qenya" pl. tyulmin "masts" in MC:216; read *tyulmar in LotR-style Quenya.
tyulussë "poplar-tree" (TYUL)
tyur "cheese" (QL:50 cf. GL:28)